Our song Covergirl on radio in New York state

Uncle Pete radio

Cheap ‘n’ Nasty’s song Covergirl, at #15 of this week’s Uncle Pete radio show in Binghamton, New York state, USA. Thanks!

At 39:36 minutes into https://www.mixcloud.com/TheUnclePeteShow/the-uncle-pete-show-06-05-24/ is Covergirl, the title track of the Cheap ‘n’ Nasty EP.
The Uncle Pete Radio Show  says after this song about it: ‘New music doesn’t have to be new to be new’ 🙂

Cheap ‘n’ Nasty on Los Angeles, USA podcast

Razorcake Podcast #859 When Horns Are Okay 28: Should I Stay or Should I Blow with Ethan, Todd, and Tim

This podcast from Los Angeles in the USA includes I Am a Photo Model, by Cheap ‘n’ Nasty from the Netherlands at 42:50.

The podcast makers write:

‘You got the gist—punk and punk-adjacent songs featuring horns that one of us three dumdums has to like. …

Regarding Cheap’n’Nasty and their neighbor being unhappy with their sound, I misspoke when I said World War I. It was World War II.

I should have said the neighbor said, “During the war I was a forced laborer in Dresden during the bombing, this noise is worse!”

Dresden wasn’t firebombed in WWI. The WWII firebombing of Dresden was the genesis of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.’

‘Razorcake/Gorsky Press, Inc. (RC/GP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit multidisciplinary arts organization. Its core mission is publishing Razorcake, a magazine dedicated to DIY punk, independent culture, and amplifying unheard voices.

RC/GP provides consistent coverage of do-it-yourself punk culture that you won’t find anywhere else. We believe in positive, progressive, community-supportive DIY punk. We do our part.’

Siouxsie and the Banshees LP podcast

This live video is Siouxsie and the Banshees playing their song Regal Zone. It is from the LP Join Hands.

A music podcast from Norwood, Ohio in the USA wants to do a review of a Siouxsie and the Banshees album together with ‘a hardcore Banshees fan’.

They chose the vocalist/toy saxophonist of Cheap ‘n’Nasty, who chose the album Join Hands. They sent the code to Zoom with them on Saturday 27 May, which is Siouxsie‘s birthday.

Ivy Green, Cheap ‘n ‘Nasty, Ex on Princeton, USA radio

Cheap 'n ' Nasty Covergirl EP cover

Cheap ‘n ‘ Nasty Covergirl EP cover

Recently, Dutch first-wave punk bands Cheap ‘n’ Nasty and Ivy Green have been played on the Uneasy Listening show on WPRB radio in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

The song Stupid Village by Ivy Green was played on August 13, 2022. Songs with Neighborhoods and Hometowns themes.

On 8 February 2022, the Cheap ‘n’ Nasty song I’m a Photomodel was played on the show Uneasy Listening: Photos and Photography, with all photography-themed songs. On the same show, also another Dutch band: the Ex, with Moving Pictures.

On The Kids Just Don’t Understand show on August 17, 2022, Cheap ‘n’ Nasty’s No more violence (on TV) was played; with a photo by our band photographer Annelies on their web page. On the same show, also the Ex, with Curtains.

‘I swear I played [Cheap ‘n’ Nasty EP title track] Covergirl at some point in the past’, their DJ Commie Francis writes.

There are plans to play more Cheap ‘n’ Nasty, probably Covergirl, on WFMU radio in Jersey City in October.

More Cheap ‘n’ Nasty airplay, in the past, see here. And here. And here.

Adele Bertei, Bloods, photos published after 40 years

Adele Bertei of The Bloods at Toys, the Hague

Adele Bertei of The Bloods at Toys, the Hague

Here Adele Bertei, 40 years ago singer of the Bloods from the USA, put photos of her. These photos were made in 1981/82 in The Hague by Annelies, band photographer of Cheap ‘n’ Nasty and the Miami Beach Girls. For decades, these photos had just been negatives because of lack of money. Maarten of Cheap ‘n’ Nasty scanned them recently. I sent them to Adele.

Happy birthday, Jennifer Finch of L7!

5 August is the birthday of Jennifer Finch, bass player of United States punk band L7, ever since the 1980s. They had not been together for a long time, though the hiatus was not as long as for Cheap ‘n’ Nasty, but they reunited a few years ago.

Jennifer Finch is also a photographer. She often photographs audiences after L7 concerts.

Unfortunately, in June 2021 an L7 concert in the Melkweg in Amsterdam had to be cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.